Well, I wrote about the same topic which we are learning this week in EDUC 639 4 months ago on a discussion board of EDUC 631 class. what I discussed that time in Educ 631 was that as a writer I have several articles written on the website familia.com.br, I wrote those articles after studying a lot about each topic and also some of them were written based on my own experience as an educator, so, they are unique and inspired. My feelings are that nobody can use them and pretend they wrote them. In this line of thinking, I believe that each person should learn from kindergarten about copyrights and the effect of plagiarism. In the two presentational videos: Ask the Expert presented by Dr. David Brown and Dr. Tyler Veak, I learned more how liberty is aware of plagiarism, and they are using software protection (plagiarism prevention software) to make sure teachers know that the student is being honest. Thus, it is surprising the number of students trading their work. However, I also to be honest, really didn’t know when I should use or not use a video in my classroom or get the worksheet for my students from online web resources. I also like that Liberty University is working to make sure the Liberty students understand the importance of these topics and make sure that all documents are original from the student. The points that were unclear are the part about how the punishment does not match the crime, so what is the punishment if the student is caught cheating what is the real punishment? Seidenberg, S. (2014) states that “the purpose of copyright law is to protect inventors, to be unique and not to copy the work of others.” The laws of copyrights are too old and need to be updated for the velocity of the development of technology. Additionally, I believe with the technology that we have and with new ones that are being created, it will be possible to catch someone using the copyrighted material fast. But there is complexity in this issue. There is a need for new laws and changes in the IP policies that keep up with the velocity of new technologies. “Any collection of laws as complex as those related to IP will take time to create and enact, so it is not surprising that these statues lag behind technological, societal, and cultural advances“ (Simonson et al, p.276) References Seidenberg, S. (2014). Music Sales Are Hurt by Copyright Infringement. In C. Ullmann & L. M. Zott (Eds.), Opposing Viewpoints. Copyright Infringement. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press. (Reprinted from ABA Journal, 2010, June, 96[6]) Retrieved from http://link.galegroup.com.ezproxy.liberty.edu/apps/doc/EJ3010595244/OVIC?u=vic_liberty&sid=OVIC&xid=ff4e4c51 Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., Albright, M., & Zvacek, S. (2015). Teaching and learning at a distance: Foundations of distance education. (6th ed.) Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
For me, it is very hard to think what kind of theory is most important. There are out there a variety of teaching and learning theories, I have seen in my teaching experience that there are not bad or good theories about teaching and learning. Hamilton started, 2015) “No matter what learning theory you hold when technology is added to a classroom, the learning environment changes. Teachers can change their approaches while the technology is in use, or they will experience frustration trying to impose boundaries on students use” (Hamilton, 2015 p.15).
I chose one theory that I think is very important in the learning process and the use of technology. It is cultural-Historical Theory, this theory was founded by Lev Vygotsky, the theory stresses that” human development interplay between the individual mind and society, as expressed in Vygotsky “ the mind grows through integration with others minds”. Spector, Merrill, Elen, and Bishop (2014). also says “with regard to educational communication and technologies, cultural-historical theories stress the importance of social interaction with the world” (Spector, Merrill, Elen & Bishop, 2014, p.25). The technology has given to each individual the opportunity to interact with the world in these days. There are online tools e-learning platforms such as Khan Academy, Coursera, TedEd, and Academic Earth, that are helping people learn and interact with others. Thus, Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development basically says that people ( children, adults) learn by interacting either with the environment, people and I would also say interaction with technology tools, “by performing meaningful tasks” (Spector, Merrill, Elen & Bishop, 2014). Reference Hamilton, B. (2015). Integrating technology in the classroom. Eugene, OR: International Society for Technology in Education. Spector, M., Merrill M., Elen J., & Bishop M. (2014). Handbook of research on educational communications and technology. (4th ed.) New York, NY. Springer. The most important Trend
Dr. Larry Crites and Dr. Cindy Crites mentioned many interesting topics and issues. They are Professors at Liberty University. Some of the topics they spoke about are that technology is separating people from each other, that a lot of their students have English as a second language and this is a current challenge, this is something that has been hard for me personally because the teachers don’t speak my first language. They encouraged students to meet each other over Skype to make strong relationships with others. It is important to build a network; I totally agree with them. The most important thing to me that they talked about was how their nephew is enrolled in a learning program that has individualized instruction where he uses technology to get ahead and be able to graduate early from high school. The Crites believe this trend of individualized instruction is going to grow significantly. Dr. L. Crites said, “I think technology is the only way they will be able to do that” (Dr. L. Crites, personal communication 2019). I really agree with Dr. L. Crites about personalized instruction, I was already aware of this possibility, but it was interesting to see it happening already. Hamilton (2015) argued, “The advantage of classroom technology centers is that teachers can easily promote equitable access with limited access to technology, involve all students in using digital tools every day,” (Hamilton, 2015 p. 45). Hamilton, B. (2015). Integrating technology in the classroom. Eugene, OR: International Society for Technology in Education. |
EDUC 639
Three most important trends shaping Educational Technology
Reference Hamilton, B. (2015). Integrating technology in the classroom: Tools to meet the needs of every student. Portland, Oregon ; Arlington, Virginia: International Society for Technology in Education. Categories |