What new idea will change the way in which you use the intellectual property of others?
I am a writer, I have several articles, wrote on the website familia.com.br in Brazil, these are part of my study about different subjects, about education and family issues. They are unique and inspired, I have learned about intellectual property since my childhood when my grandmother talked me about how unique we are and being a unique person, we have unique ideas, or we can share ideas with others and create new things together. However, we are not allowed to get an intellectual thought, intellectual ideas, creations of any kind, property from another and assume it is ours, our idea or creation, because it is not. (Seindenberg,2014) states that “the purpose of copyright law is to protect inventors, to be unique and not to copy the work of others. I agree with them.
The history of Julie Reulbach written by Measure (2019) is a huge example to share how important it is to reinforce the copyright law. Measure wrote “She scans TpT for work from her blog about once every six months. Her site is under a Noncommercial Creative Commons license, so anyone can use, edit, or share her materials--but they are not supposed to sell them” (Measure, 2019).
So, reading about intellectual property in this module 6, helped me better prepared and be aware of the importance of intellectual property and also learn more information about it, I will be more educated because sometimes, a lot of doubts come to me. I used some videos in my classroom without knowing that it was not right, I even shared some papers that I did not know if I could, my objective was to help my partner improve her skills in the classroom. It is my duty as a student, teacher, and writer to understand it and not do the same mistakes again.
With some of my articles, we received an e-mail of people asking to use them in their blogs and other websites, changing some words, asking us if we were ok with that, I didn’t know how to answer them, and I just learned in myth 6. Somenson M., Smaldino, S., Albright, M., and Zvacek, S. (2015) said “The rights to create “derivative works belong to the copyright hold er unless specific permission is granted”. (p.260). Even though it is in the public domain.
Additionally, with the technology that we have and more new ones that are being created, it will be possible to catch someone using the copyrighted material. But there is complexity in this issue. There is a need for new laws and changes in the IP policies at the same velocity of the new technologies. “Any collection of laws as complex as those related to IP will take time to create and enact, so it is not surprising that these statues lag behind technological, societal, and cultural advances“ (Simonson et al, p.276)
Furthermore, as educators, we need to learn more about ownership. Distribution and use of any material in the field of education and other fields, to be aware to not use it inappropriately. We should teach about it and learn about it, this is the way to make people aware. When we learn and hear frequently about the same topic, we are more likely to practice it.
Schwartz, S. (2019, January 15). On 'Teachers Pay Teachers,' Some Sellers Are Profiting From Stolen Work; Site does little to protect copyrights. Education Week, 38(18), 12. Retrieved from http://link.galegroup.com.ezproxy.liberty.edu/apps/doc/A569931740/OVIC?u=vic_liberty&sid=OVIC&xid=048fcda6
Seindenberg, S. (2014). Music Sales Are Hurt by Copyright Infringement. In C. Ullmann & L. M. Zott (Eds.), Opposing Viewpoints. Copyright Infringement. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press. (Reprinted from ABA Journal, 2010, June, 96[6]) Retrieved from http://link.galegroup.com.ezproxy.liberty.edu/apps/doc/EJ3010595244/OVIC?u=vic_liberty&sid=OVIC&xid=ff4e4c51
Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., Albright, M., & Zvacek, S. (2015). Teaching and learning at a distance: Foundations of distance education. (6th ed.) Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.